Wiccan Wednesday: Ethics Part 3

8-03-5Howdy. I failed, this was supposed to be last weeks post and…I failed. Anyway – here you go!

Today is probably the last part I’m going to do on Ethics, since I think I’ve hit on the three biggest topics that Wiccans deal with. The third being The Wiccan Rede.

The biggest “mistake” I see people making is treating the Rede (first recorded in 1964 in a speech made by Doreen Valiente) like it is set in stone: LAW.

It’s not. Many of you  may be gasping in horror over such blasphemy. I’ll write it again. The Rede is not law. The word “rede” itself means “advice.”

That’s all it is. It’s simple advice to Wiccans on how to live their lives according to what Doreen thought would make for happy Wiccans. It’s just like the Golden Rule, only written in a fancy, rhyming format.

Rhymes are easier to remember and the rede was probably written in that way so that memorization would be easier.

In all seriousness though, I see a lot of people freaking out over the Rede for no reason. You don’t have to adhere to it. You can still call yourself Wiccan if you don’t follow one poem full of advice. A lot of it is common sense. To me, it just seems like busy work for Wiccans, much like I had to do in Sunday School when I was forced to go to church. We memorized a bunch of verses that were picked out to teach us lessons and that was that.

The main tenant I think we need to come away from is the most famous part, which is written in a few different ways but basically “as long as it harms none, do what you will.” If you live your life in a way that harms as few beings as possible, then rock it out. You do you boo. If, however, you’re living life in a way that isn’t so nice to others then you might want to take a look, re-prioritize and make some changes.

That’s it! Nothing totally crazy right? Some advice, fancy Wiccan Golden Rule: don’t be a jerk to others and live life as your true self.

Love and Light,


Wiccan Wednesday: Ethics Part 2

Hello everyone! Welcome to the next Wiccan Wednesday – the place where we chat about all things Wicca! *cue crappy infomercialimage music*

Today we’re going to be chatting about the whole “perfect love and perfect trust” thing that gets thrown around a lot, but a lot of people don’t really know what the heck it means, or they don’t actually believe in it and they just say it.

I feel like it’s a “sorry.” You know, that knee jerk reaction “sorry.” Bump into someone and it’s totally their fault? “Sorry.” Step on someone? “Sorry.” We say it all the time, but do we really mean it?

Many times when entering a circle the HPS (High Priestess) or HP (High Priest) will say something along the lines of  “whoever enters the circle, must enter with perfect love and perfect trust.”

What if you’re a newb and you have no idea what the heck it means?

To me, perfect love and perfect trust is having absolute faith in those you’re circling with. It’s being able to share that sacred, spiritual part of yourself, to open up and share magickal moments. I don’t circle with other people lightly. When I am in circle, I am entering a sacred space, sharing a part of my soul with my circle mates, and together we are either working magick (where there is a strong need and I need to trust them and their intentions), honoring Deity (not something that is to be taken lightly in my book) or honoring nature (again, important to me.)

So, this is heavy stuff. Yup. Many new Wiccans fail to realize that this is a serious religious path. If you just want to practice witchcraft and don’t want to honor Deities, then do that. If you want to honor a God and a Goddess, the 8 Sabbats and 13 Esbats, then look into Wicca further, which is what these weekly lessons will be.

So, if you’re new, how do you know when to trust someone? When should you trust someone and when should you maintain secrecy about your spirituality? What do you do if you’re trying to find a group to circle with?

Practice and Interview.

First, practice circling on your own so you can get the hang of it. You need to have your own foundation before you join a group. If you want to try out a group setting without any big ties then try public circles. Check out WitchVox and see if there are any public or “open” circles in your area. A lot of times they’ll be put on by the local Pagan council and usually they are free. Check around Sabbats especially.

After that, make sure you talk to the people you want to circle with if it’s for a private circle. Become friends first. When it was more than Ivy and I for The Coven of the Winding Willow we used to have weekly meetings with a few other girls. We chatted, became friends, and then circled. 2 years or so later and Ivy is my best friend in the whooooole wide world.

Basically there’s no one set way to know when to trust someone, or when to know that you love them (usually platonically.) You just have to hang out with them, see if you’re beliefs align and go from there.

Be safe. If you are under 18 then just chill solo until you are of legal age, or get a parent or guardian involved, if it is safe to do so.

Next Wednesday we tackle the Wiccan Rede!

Love and Light,


Wiccan Wednesday: Ethics

Today is the first Wiccan Wednesday! Woohoo!

These posts are going to be all about Wicca; I like to think of it as “Ristoria’s Wiccan University.” I have a loose “lesson plan” that I’m going to be following that’s going to start at the “flowarbeginning” and progress so each week we’re delving deeper into the religion. If you know nothing about Wicca, or are just starting out this series might be helpful to you.

This week we’re going to talk about Ethics in Wicca, specifically the Law of Return or “What goes around, comes around.”

This is a big topic that gets a little dodgy. Some people adhere to the “Rule of Three” which comes from the saying that “whatever you put put will come back to you three times.”  Ivy once described it as coming back on a “physical, mental and spiritual level.”

Others just look at everything from the standpoint of  “it’s alllllll Karma.” To me that sounds like there’s some karma police in the sky keeping tally for you so you don’t have to take responsibility for your actions, or becoming a doormat. “I won’t call them out on their crap – karma will take care of it.”

For beginners (and non-beginners) this can get confusing.

My take on it is that each of our actions has reactions. Anything we do is going to send out ripples, like a stone in a pond. Those ripples are going to touch the world beyond the small portion that we live in everyday. I want to do my best to send out good ripples, instead of “bad.”

What this means for me, is that I want my magick and my practice to create good change, so I’m not going to send out negative energy on a whim. There are some Witches and Wiccans who have no problem sending out negative vibes at any chance they get. That’s just not me.

However, this doesn’t mean that I am a doormat. If there is a strong enough need I will defend myself, and take measures with magick if all mundane measures have been taken. 

What does that mean? Well, say I were in an abusive relationship. My partner was abusing me physically and I needed to get away. First you’d take the mundane measures necessary, breaking up, moving out, staying with friends or family, calling the police, getting a restraining order etc. After those measures have been taken, if I were still in danger I would take magickal measures of warding, banishing, binding or whatever was needed to protect myself.

Magick isn’t a first option, and this goes for everything. If you need a job/money doing a prosperity spell isn’t going to help if you aren’t opening up the mundane channels of putting the job applications in.

In my experience the Universe’s energy and magick is like flowing water. If you pour water into a mug that has a crack in it, the water will immediately start flowing through that crack instead of wearing away at the mug’s walls. It will take the easiest path first, which is why you have to open up the paths that you want the Universe to flow into.

You just have to make sure that those paths are things you really want, and that you really want the Universe to power up those pathways.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Love and Light,


Magickal Moving

I think most everyone can relate to moving. Sometimes you move for a job, sometimes for a person, for a new start. Regardless, most of us have been there. Packing all of your belongings into boxes and sorting through old memories…you never know how much “stuff” you have until you need to pack it. Getting settled into a new place can be a challenge at first, but here are a few of my tips to help claim your new pad.

1. Before you move anything into your new home, walk through with burning sage. Sage every room, every closet, every hallway. Open the windows and doors and let fresh air sweep through. Stale energy could be stuck in corners and closets, so let the element of air take it away. As you’re smudging with the sage, you might want to speak aloud and say a prayer or two to any deities you are close with. Pray for protection, happiness and love in you new house. If you want a deity to pray to, I might suggest Brigid. Be sure to leave offerings in return!

2. Buy some oranges or lemons. Cut them in half and squeeze the juice down all of the drains in the house. Don’t forget the toilets! This is the equivalent of smudging the pipe areas. Not the mention it smells good.

3. Leave an offering outside to the fae or spirits of the land, if you wish to communicate with them. Introduce yourself, leave something appropriate and welcome them in your home (if you want them there!).

4. Make and bury a witch’s bottle. You can find all sorts of info online on how to make these. They are typically filled with glass, bent nails, rusted objects, something personal like strands of your hair and other such items. Then they are buried. This is a form of protection magick. A word of caution, be careful when constructing these and be sure to read all info available first.

5. Put a gargoyle, Odin’s stone, upturned besom or other protective symbol by the main entrance(s).

6. Walk the perimeter of the property and sprinkle protective herbs.

7.  While bringing all of your things inside, try and make it a point to set up your altar first.

This list is by no means complete, just a few things I would suggest. Feel free to leave your own thoughts in the comments. Best of luck, and blessed be!

Ivy ❤


Ivy’s March Tarot Reading

While chatting on the phone with Ristoria over the weekend, I mentioned the idea of doing a monthly tarot reading for our blog. She liked the idea, so here we go. The very first month is March!

Reading with the same deck as last time, the one I always use (Shadowscapes), I sat at my desk and shuffled the cards. Splitting the deck into smaller sections in my hands I mixed them, giving them a turn. While doing so, I asked for information for the greatest number of our readers. I asked for messages that would help the most and reach the most. I didn’t use a spread, as I often don’t, and the cards I turned over are as follows: upright five of pentacles, upright hermit, inverted strength, upright sun and inverted page of pentacles. Sometimes when I am doing readings, the second I lay the cards down I sort of sit back and go “Okay. Yup.” and there isn’t much interpretation needed. No studying the images and pondering. It stands up right at you.

The message those cards give me talks about a spiritual loss. A connection that is severed. We have all been in that boat, Goddess knows I have so many times. This reading could ring true for me too! I have recently been working my way out of a rut when it comes to my spiritual self. The five of pentacles is a hard hitter in that vein, and in the dead of winter sometimes it’s hard to keep that fire going. However, this is the time of year when it’s the most important. This is the time of year when we have to look out at the insane amount of snow on the ground and say “yeah, but I know there is life under it”. Under that snow is a spark of life. The Goddess longs to awaken in the soil and bring us those brilliant grassy greens, those Ostara pastels. It’s there. We all know it. So keep the faith. We will be dancing around Litha bonfires before you know it. The upright hermit, along with the inverted page of pentacles tells me that many of you readers are seekers. You’re looking for mentors and tutors, maybe as a means to shake this rut. Maybe you’re seeking covens that teach. However, let me be the first to tell you that there is no one out there that can hand you “Wicca” or “Paganism” in a box. You’re going to have to sit outside and journal. You’re going to have to read more books than you can fathom. This path is a lifetime of study and it is a commitment. Don’t hear me wrong – seeking like minded individuals is amazing. Having someone to share your path with can be rewarding and encouraging. However, know that you’re going to need to invest time in your studies. This little bit of info paired up with that five of pentacles makes sense, no? Sometimes the best way to dig ourselves from a rut is to get up, dust off and just carry on. Grab some books related to your spiritual path, sit in a window with hot chocolate and get back into it. Or maybe pick up a new journal that speaks to you and write. Document your spiritual self. Begin a dream journal. Maybe build a snow (wo)man and consider it time spent with the element of water. Invite that cleansing energy into your life and let the emotions in. Delve deep. Deity lives in the hidden parts of ourselves just as much as surface level. The last two cards, inverted strength and upright sun tell me two things. The first is that there is a sense of sitting on the sidelines. Spirituality is not passive. It’s not something you do on holidays only or when it’s easy. Take a role in your path and in your life. Secondly, it tells me this is a passing thing. That we will all come out on top. There is a light at the end of this snow lined tunnel, I promise. Just hang tight, get into your books and allow your spiritual self to reemerge just in time for the tulips and daffodils.

Blessed be.
Ivy ❤

Goddess baths and the full moon

The full moon is something that has instilled wonder and awe in people since the dawn of time. It has an effect on everyone, whether they recognize it or not, and those who are magickally inclined are able to harness and work with its intense energies. Since we are about a week away from the next Esbat I figured this might be a good time to talk about taking a “Goddess Bath”.

Supplies needed:
1. Bubble bath, bath salts, bath beads, etc. Any bath supplies you prefer.
2. A muslin cloth OR a (clean!) sock you don’t mind getting wet (You will see why in the instructions.)
3. Herbs you like that correspond to relaxation. Some good examples are: rose petals, rose buds, lavender and lemon grass.
4. Candles
5. Quiet relaxing music
6. Any lotions you may use after soaking in a bath.

1. Fill the muslin cloth with the herbs you selected and tie it shut.
If you don’t have one, take the sock and turn it inside out and put your hand in (like a “sock poppet”, inside out). Now put a bit of each herb you selected into the palm of your hand which is inside of the sock. Once you’re done, take the sock off your hand flipping it right side out as you do. Now all of the herbs you selected should be neatly inside of the sock. Tie the open end shut with a hair elastic or rubber band.
2. Fill the bath tub with hot water and put your herb satchel into the water. Add any bath ingredients you want in addition to the herbs, or if you want to use JUST the herbs, that’s fine too. Whatever you like
3. Light the candles, turn out the lights and relax. Soak as long as you want. Play calm music while doing so if you like. Take this time to indulge yourself. Shave your legs with the good shaving cream, focus on pampering.
4. When you’re done bathing, stand up in the bath and then drain the water. Towel off and apply any lotions you want. I use my expensive lotions and luxury items when I am taking a “Goddess bath”. Indulge.
5. When you’re all dry and feeling relaxed, do some journaling. I have found in the past a lot of profound insights have come to me when journaling afterwards. You may also want to draw a tarot card or two and see what insight might come to you.
6. You might be so inclined to use this bath as a precursor to a ritual. I’d suggest either going skyclad if you’re comfortable, fresh from the bath OR wearing loose clothing that is comfortable. Walk into your ritual area, open circle and begin right away. If you’re going to be moving from the bath right into ritual, I’d suggest having all of the ritual supplies and such set up before hand, so you can progress right into it while you’re still relaxed.



Ivy ❤

Ivy’s Imbolc tarot reading

Today, as I sat in silence considering what to write about, I turned inwards and reflected. I have been toying with the idea of writing about Saturn return, since that is something I believe myself to be personally going through. I still may hit that topic, but as for right now I think I’ll wait. Then I considered writing about Imbolc since it is tomorrow, after all. Cover some history, some ritual ideas, you know the drill. But that has been done. Finally my attention shifted to my tarot deck. They sit in a cloth zippered bag, the cards inside wrapped in a black lace scarf. The idea of an Imbolc tarot reading dawned on me, so I brought them to my bed and sat cross-legged, shuffling. While turning the cards over in my hands I focused my attention on asking for a reading that would help the most of our blog readers. Something that would benefit the greatest numbers. Turning three cards over onto the black scarf, I drew the eight of swords upright, the three of swords inverted and the moon inverted. If any of you out there read tarot, you might immediately go “erh…yikes”. But those cards to me sing a loud song of personal healing. Of a road ahead paved with progress and focusing on oneself.

(The deck, for those who may wonder, is Shadowscapes by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law.)

The first card talks to me about a feeling of being trapped by circumstance. A feeling of being in over your head. The image on the card itself even seems to illustrate that.
The second card, the three of swords, is one that comes with a little baggage too. Normally when upright, this card talks about heartbreak and heartache in a present day state. Inverted, this tells me a story of moving on, of mending. This says the damage has been done, whatever it is. Now you need to mend yourself. So this could mean removing toxic people from your life, cutting ties with those who hurt you or are not serving your greatest good. Give yourself permission to let go.
Lastly, the inverted moon. Being upside down like that tells me a message of someone who isn’t listening to their intuition or guides. Someone who has closed down those pathways of communication to the universe, to the divine.

So what I would say from this, considering Imbolc is tomorrow, is allow yourself to be reborn with this coming spring. Like the flowers that are under the snow, work on manifesting what you wish to bring into your life. Heal past hurts, let go of those who don’t have your best interests at heart, and heal. Reopen those channels to the universe. Meditate and speak to the God and Goddess. Speak to your guides, your ancestors. Look for signs in return. Journal. Look for the magick in every day life. Reconnect with your spiritual self. Spring clean your home, your life, your practice. Blow off the cobwebs, open the doors and sweep the negative right out.

Earlier today, Ristoria and I attended a celebration and open ritual for Imbolc. A theme they touched on a lot as well was healing and rebirth. The ritual left me with messages from Brigid of healing. I know these cards personally resonate with me too (remember the Saturn return I mentioned?) and I know I am not alone in this. While visiting with the owner of a local metaphysical shop, she told me many people have come into her doors looking for guidance along the same themes.

So the strongest message I got from these cards, to convey to the readers of The Samhain Sisters is…healing. Let go of past hurt, those who are toxic, and allow yourself to heal. Manifest in your life what you wish, focus on taking care of yourself. Seek the guidance of the divine, of the universe. You’re not alone. Let the melting snow carry negativity away to be neutralized, and be blessed.

Ivy ❤

On sound in Wicca and witchcraft

Hello loves. Today, I’d like to talk about sound in Wicca and witchcraft and a few of the ways I have used it to enhance my practice.

The first way I use it is probably the most obvious…music. While in circle, I really enjoy some nice calming, meditative-like sounds. I have a few CDs of flutes and nature sounds, and I also have some apps on my phone. I know there are some witches who dislike the idea of having a cell phone or CD playing device/speaker system in circle, but I have no issues with it personally.  As for the CDs, my favorites are Spirit Flutes and Liquid Mind: Sleep. In terms of apps, my phone is Android and I like Rain Sounds as well as Relax Melodies. Rain Sounds is exactly what you would expect. Relax Melodies is an app that allows you to mix your own sounds from a board of present ones, like “rain”, “storm”, “night time”, “flues”, etc. You can also do this online with an awesome web site I found called Go Mix It! Make your own mixes, save them and play when ready. Or mix on the fly for a custom sound. A lot of the music I have been using for years, so it has become sort of like a key for me. I hear certain tracks from those CDs or certain custom mixes from the apps and my brain immediately switches into “oh, it’s time to circle” mode. Quite handy, if you ask me!

The second way is one I have only recently come to embrace and that is singing bowls. Find one that resonates with you and give it a go. I personally find them to be highly effective in clearing space, sending intent and generally being used as a key to signal the beginning of ritual. It doesn’t matter if you are playing it normally or striking the side once for a chime to call the elements, it’s proven to be very effective in my personal practice.

Lastly, I want to talk about chanting. It doesn’t matter if you’re solitary or practicing in a group, chanting can be a powerful way to focus your intent out loud to send it into the universe. Try writing your own, or if you aren’t sure you can always use a tried and true one such as “We All Come From The Goddess”, which is a favorite between Ristoria and I. Also, a simple Google search for “Pagan Chants” or “Wiccan Chants” will turn up an abundance.

Anyways, I hope this simple post was helpful, feel free to comment below with more suggestions!

Blessed be,
Ivy ❤

Getting to know your tarot cards

Buying a new deck of tarot cards is exciting and fun. From a seasoned pro to a newcommer, the excitement of shuffling through the artwork is electric. Tarot has always resonated with me and in this post we’ll cover a few of my tips for getting familiar with a new deck.

Start a tarot journal/notebook
Seriously. Get a fresh notebook and make it all tarot. Record your readings in it, your thoughts on the cards and on divination, how you feel, trouble cards, etc. Take the time to record your progression.

Sit with each card
This can be tedious but is worth it, in my opinion. When I got the deck I currently read with, I took the time to go through it, one card at a time, in order.
I held the card, considered the artwork, the meaning I have always understood the card to hold, the meaning the creator of the deck intended, archetypes and more. I recorded all of this in my journal and made a reference guide of my thoughts. Taking the time to sift through the images helped me recognize things I hadn’t noticed before, and writing it down helped me see patterns. You’ll be surprised at what the cards will tell you if you listen.

Figure out how you’d like to cleanse and store your deck
Some people prefer keeping their cards in the box they came in, some people have pouches, satchels, cloths, etc. Some decks of mine are in a scarf, some are in a zippered bag. Each deck to me is handled differently because they are not the same. Some decks I cleanse with incense smoke, some I simply cleanse through visualization hand movements. Figure out what works best for you.

Browse the internet
There are tons of tarot web sites full of good information out there. Actively expand your knowledge base so you can forge a deep connection with the symbolism of the deck.

Read for anyone who will let you. Know that you might make mistakes. You might forget interpretations. It’s fine. Just practice.

Know that not all of the cards will “speak to you” right away.
There are cards that I struggle with to this day! Don’t be dismayed if you come across a few that just don’t jump right out at you. Work with them a little extra and be patient.

Be sure you buy a deck that you love.
Reading with a deck you feel “meh” about is not going to do it. Spend time researching the MANY options available and find cards that call to you. Make sure you love the artwork and the colors. Be sure you are in line with themes they may carry. No two decks are alike, so take your time.

So that is all from me for today, I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment below with your thoughts! How did you pick your deck? Which ones are your favorites? How did you familiarize yourself with it?

Best of luck and happy divining!

Blessed be,
Ivy. ❤